‎Why Do We Do What We Do? (Hint: Pets are everything)

Why Do We Do What We Do?

Dogs have always been our life. We have always rescued dogs and usually the ones that no one would take on. Rae, aka "PIGGY" was no different. She came to us skin and bones, with a bullet in her neck and a laundry list of heath concerns due to dog fighting, starvation, and heart worm. Even in such a horrible condition, when we went to pick her up, we simply fell in love. While she could never be around another dog (except for our little boss Havanese named Bunny), she gave us the greatest joy, except when winter rolled around and it was time to put on booties. She was not a fan to say the least. So, we needed to find an alternative and one that had all the good stuff but none of the bad. Nothing seemed to have all the great things we loved so we formulated our own. Our beloved Piggy passed away December 12th, 2020 after more than a decade giving us love, but her paw butter is still used on all our dogs, and what a better way to memorialize her than to name it after her!

Committed To Quality (The Best of The Best) is a non negotiable for us. From our packaging to our ingredients, we don't settle. Our ingredients are sourced from around the world and as organic possible.  We produce in small batches to control the quality.
We strive for perfection, and perfection shouldn't be easy.